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16 outils essentiels de gestion de restaurant dont vous ne saviez pas que vous aviez besoin

Rationalisez les opérations de votre restaurant et améliorez le site profits grâce à des outils de gestion indispensables ! De l'inventaire à la planification du personnel, nous avons tout ce qu'il vous faut.
16 outils essentiels de gestion de restaurant dont vous ne saviez pas que vous aviez besoin
Angelo Esposito
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Feuille de calcul pour le logiciel d'inventaire de restaurant

Téléchargez cette liste de contrôle pour tirer le meilleur parti de l'inventaire de votre restaurant. Découvrez les logiciels d'inventaire de restaurant adaptés à votre établissementpour mieux gérer vos opérations.

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Les outils de gestion de restaurant sont le changement de jeu dont votre établissement a besoin. Les logiciels pour restaurants continuent de devenir plus intelligents et sont plus faciles à utiliser que jamais. Les applications peuvent également vous donner un avantage grâce à des gains de temps, des processus plus rapides, des analyses commerciales, et plus encore.

Que vous vous considériez comme un analphabète de la technologie ou comme un utilisateur averti de logiciels, il est toujours utile de s'intéresser aux nouveaux outils. Ceci étant dit, nous avons déjà fait le travail pour vous et avons compilé une liste de 15 logiciels indispensables pour votre restaurant ou bar.

Pour commencer, qu'est-ce qu'un logiciel de gestion de restaurant ?

If you’ve ever tried to search the term on Google then you know there are a billion definitions out there! From POS systems to liquor inventory apps, the term is very general. For the purpose of this post, however, we are defining it as any technology that helps bars and restaurants manage their day-to-day operations, such as:

More examples include a point of sale system (POS), human resources, accounting, and liquor management software. No matter the type, the goal of any restaurant software is to make operations run as smoothly as possible. The benefits of using technology to manage your restaurant operations include better efficiency, shorter customer wait times, and ultimately, higher profits.

Comment les restaurants contrôlent-ils efficacement les stocks ?

Before we dive into the best software to invest in, it’s important to understand how to use any or all of them to the best of their abilities. So, here are some tips to help you make the most out of your future devices.


If you have multiple devices like a POS system, an inventory management app, and payroll software, be sure to integrate them whenever possible. When your tools can communicate with each other automatically, it makes your job much easier and cuts down on the possibility of any mistakes or missing information.

Préparez votre personnel (et vous-même !)

Even the best restaurant management tools on the planet won’t be effective if your staff isn’t properly trained on how to use them. Ensure your employees know their role in counting stock and other operations. All in all, it’s absolutely crucial to keep open lines of communication so everyone is always up-to-date.


Having a strategically organized bar or restaurant is key to maximizing time and efficiency. In order to stay as organized as possible, be sure to store liquor in the same place to make inventory easier. Also, clearly define expectations when it comes to pars, pour costs, etc. Lastly, when actually taking inventory, have two people review the numbers for accuracy.

Identifier les déchets

As a bar or restaurant manager, you already spend a lot of time taking inventory and placing new purchase orders. Don’t let that effort literally go to waste. Instead, use the information from your restaurant inventory app to identify if you’re losing money as a result of dead stock, over pouring, free drinks, or employee theft. Once you know the source of waste, take concrete steps to reduce or eliminate it completely.

N'oubliez pas vos données

Beyond identifying waste, use inventory data to identify ways to improve your business. Some actions you can take are:

16 meilleurs outils de gestion de restaurant

Sans plus attendre, voici les meilleurs outils de gestion de restaurant disponibles sur le marché aujourd'hui. Ils sont présentés sans ordre particulier et couvrent un large éventail de besoins et de tailles d'entreprises.


It wouldn’t be a list of essential restaurant management tools without including our software. WISK is one of the most advanced bar inventory apps and restaurant management software available on the market today. The interface is smooth and intuitive and its features are incredibly useful and practical. We also offer the best customer support in the industry, solo or group onboardings, and live trainings.

When it comes to conducting inventory at your bar or restaurant, WISK has every tool you might need. Our team is made up of former restaurant owners, so we truly understand your needs. We built our app with convenience in mind so you can work in offline mode, use the built-in barcode scanner, integrate with your preferred POS system, and place orders from an extensive database of 50,000 bottles.

Le résultat ? Nos utilisateurs signalent une diminution de 80 % du temps d'inventaire.

Best of all, you know exactly what you’re getting with our software. To clarify, we have no long-term contracts and provide a demo up front, before you make a commitment. So, check it out for yourself and sign up today by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can visit https://www.wisk.ai/for/wisk-bar-management-software for more information.

2. OpenTable

OpenTable is an online reservation and waitlist system. Since its a popular platform, it can help with visibility and is easy to use for both bar managers and customers alike. The software offers an app and web version and sports high reviews from users.

3. Fivestars

Fivestars is a mobile rewards program for local businesses. Customers can sign up at your location or on the Fivestars app. Once enrolled, they can earn rewards and receive promotional offers via text, email, or push notifications. The built-in marketing features and easy set-up make it a solid choice for a loyalty program.

4. Quickbooks

Quickbooks has been an accounting go-to for small businesses for years, and restaurants are no exception. Recent updates have made the software even more mobile-friendly, making business accounting simple and affordable. This straight-forward software is perfect for independently owned restaurants. As an added bonus, it integrates well with a wide range of restaurant POS systems and other restaurant management tools.

5. Base Zomato

Zomato Base is a cloud-based POS app. It offers integrations with any existing business system as well as several hardware connections. It allows bar and restaurant managers to create client profiles for better customer experiences.

6. Trèfle

Another POS option, Clover, is best for small to medium-sized restaurants. Its user-friendly dashboard can be accessed from a computer or smartphone. It really shines in HR management, with customized access to manage everything from tips to schedules. Clover also proves useful when it comes to menu planning as it gives users the ability to easily edit product information and monitor performance of menu items.

7. Quatrièmement

With a broad focus on the hospitality industry, Fourth isn’t made for restaurants alone. Though not as focused on one industry, Fourth offers a wide variety of services, from workforce management to procurement, delivery orders, and more. Its HR functions like, managing employee details, calculating payrolls, and employee engagement set it apart from other systems.

8. Entraîneur d'attente

We’ve talked about the importance of training your staff and Waitrainer can help you train them more effectively. With options for a fast, casual, table service, or an informal bar setting, you can customize your plan.

9. FoodLogiQ

While not for everyone, FoodLogiQ certainly offers a unique and important service. Generally, it helps restaurants trace ingredients from farm to table. If organic food or sustainability are a cornerstone of your business, this application can give you valuable information and credibility.

10. QI de la plaque

PlateIQ is your ultimate companion for gastronomic adventures. Whether you're a seasoned foodie or a culinary novice, PlateIQ is here to elevate your dining experience. Plan your culinary journeys effortlessly with our intuitive reservation system. Say goodbye to long waits and missed opportunities; with PlateIQ, securing a table at your dream restaurant is just a few clicks away.

But PlateIQ is more than just a reservation tool. It's your personal food concierge. Explore expert reviews, mouthwatering menus, and tantalizing food photos, all designed to help you make the perfect choice for your next meal.

11. Alerte aux spoilers

If waste is a particular concern, Spoiler Alert is the tool for you. According to their website, their software recovers value from “slow-moving, distressed and obsolete inventory.” It also enables you to get deals from suppliers and give back if you have too much product.

12. Gusto

Looking for a better payroll solution for your small business? Gusto might be the answer. It offers affordable plans, especially for small teams. It gets high marks on customer service and ease-of-use as well.

13. ChowNow

If you’re in the food service industry, you know food delivery is a trend that isn’t disappearing anytime soon. While there are many different options when it comes to food delivery, ChowNow gives you the most options for controlling the customer experience.

ChowNow vous permet d'atteindre de nouveaux clients et d'éviter les frais de commission élevés. Il offre également des fonctions de personnalisation, comme l'ajout de votre propre marque et la possibilité de passer des commandes sur votre propre site Web.

14. Apple Pay

Le paiement à la table est une autre tendance du secteur de la restauration qui n'est pas prête de disparaître. Il existe des dizaines d'options lorsqu'il s'agit de les mettre en œuvre, mais Apple Pay est vraiment l'étalon-or. Il est déjà accepté dans plus d'un million d'établissements dans le monde, ce qui évite toute confusion de la part des clients. Il est facile à utiliser en ligne et la sécurité des informations relatives aux clients a été démontrée. Le plus gros inconvénient, bien sûr, est l'absence de prise en charge des appareils Android.

15. Carré

Si l'idée d'un logiciel étendu et compliqué vous effraie, alors Square est la solution de point de vente qu'il vous faut. Il s'agit d'un programme simple et fonctionnel nécessitant peu de formation.

La simplicité de ses offres a pour avantage d'être abordable, ce qui en fait une bonne option pour les restaurants de petite et moyenne taille.

Cependant, le plus grand avantage de Square est aussi son plus grand inconvénient. Il existe de nombreux autres programmes offrant davantage de fonctionnalités et de possibilités. Donc, si vous recherchez un système complet, ce n'est pas le choix qui vous convient.

16. Toast

Toast est une plateforme technologique de restauration tout-en-un, faite par des restaurateurs, pour des restaurateurs. Classé comme le premier système de point de vente pour restaurants de G2 en 2022, Toast vous permet de gérer les commandes, les ventes et les paiements en un seul endroit grâce à un puissant logiciel basé sur le cloud, un traitement transparent des paiements et un matériel de qualité restaurant. La gamme de produits Toast comprend également des dispositifs de point de vente portables, la commande sans contact, la commande et la livraison en ligne, des programmes de marketing et de fidélisation, la gestion des salaires et des équipes, et bien plus encore. La mission de Toast est de donner à la communauté des restaurateurs les moyens d'enchanter leurs clients, de faire ce qu'ils aiment et de prospérer.

The right restaurant management software can make a significant impact on your business. As you implement these solutions, you'll see your ROI grow through improved cost control and better customer experiences.


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